CompiledScript.SetCookieForUrl Method


Adds browser cookies with the specified «name-value» pair to all requests to the provided domain or hostname.

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public void SetCookieForUrl(string url, string name, string value)
public void SetCookieForUrl(string url, string name, string value)
public void SetCookieForUrl(string url, string name, string value)


 url  string

 name  string

 value  string

Use “*” as a wildcard for a subdomain name. The URL string might contain a full domain or subdomain name.

To filter out a specific cookie in requests to a specific URL, provide the following cookie value in the Value field of the Set Cookie method settings:


For example, the following code will filter out the cookie with the cookie_name name in all requests to

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SetCookieForUrl ("", "cookie_name", null);
SetCookieForUrl ("", "cookie_name", null);
SetCookieForUrl ("", "cookie_name", null);

Make sure to include http://  into the URL address.


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tab0.GoTo ("");
SetCookieForUrl ("", "cookie_name", "cookie_value");
tab0.GoTo (""); SetCookieForUrl ("", "cookie_name", "cookie_value");
tab0.GoTo ("");
SetCookieForUrl ("", "cookie_name", "cookie_value");


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tab0.GoTo ("");
SetCookieForUrl ("", "cookie_name", "cookie_value");
tab0.GoTo (""); SetCookieForUrl ("", "cookie_name", "cookie_value");
tab0.GoTo ("");
SetCookieForUrl ("", "cookie_name", "cookie_value");


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DMBrowser tab1 = null;
Step (1, "Dotcom-Monitor: Website Monitoring and Performance Testing -");
tab0 = Tabs.NewTab ();
//Add the specified cookies to all requests to DM domain
tab0.GoTo ("");
SetCookieForUrl ("http://*", "_dm_tracking_cookie", "67f82a23-c98d-41fb-bc5a-b17f0ba34567");
tab0.Link ("(//A[normalize-space(text())=\"Pricing\"])[1]", "(//LI[@ID=\"mega-menu-item-2198\"])[1]//A[normalize-space()=\"Pricing\"]", "(//LI[@ID=\"mega-menu-item-2198\"])[1]//A[normalize-space(text())=\"Pricing\"]").Click ();
Step (2, "Pricing - Dotcom-Monitor -");
tab0.Navigating ("");
DMBrowser tab1 = null; Step (1, "Dotcom-Monitor: Website Monitoring and Performance Testing -"); tab0 = Tabs.NewTab (); //Add the specified cookies to all requests to DM domain tab0.GoTo (""); SetCookieForUrl ("http://*", "_dm_tracking_cookie", "67f82a23-c98d-41fb-bc5a-b17f0ba34567"); tab0.Link ("(//A[normalize-space(text())=\"Pricing\"])[1]", "(//LI[@ID=\"mega-menu-item-2198\"])[1]//A[normalize-space()=\"Pricing\"]", "(//LI[@ID=\"mega-menu-item-2198\"])[1]//A[normalize-space(text())=\"Pricing\"]").Click (); Step (2, "Pricing - Dotcom-Monitor -"); tab0.Navigating ("");
DMBrowser tab1 = null;
Step (1, "Dotcom-Monitor: Website Monitoring and Performance Testing -");
tab0 = Tabs.NewTab ();
//Add the specified cookies to all requests to DM domain 
tab0.GoTo ("");
SetCookieForUrl ("http://*", "_dm_tracking_cookie", "67f82a23-c98d-41fb-bc5a-b17f0ba34567");
tab0.Link ("(//A[normalize-space(text())=\"Pricing\"])[1]", "(//LI[@ID=\"mega-menu-item-2198\"])[1]//A[normalize-space()=\"Pricing\"]", "(//LI[@ID=\"mega-menu-item-2198\"])[1]//A[normalize-space(text())=\"Pricing\"]").Click ();
Step (2, "Pricing - Dotcom-Monitor -");

tab0.Navigating ("");