
Implements the IHtmlElement interface.

public class DMElement : BaseHtmlElement, IHtmlElement


Checked Sets and gets the value indicating whether the focused CheckBox (<input type=»checkbox»>) is checked.
Enabled Sets and gets the value indicating whether  the focused element is enabled.
InnerHtml Gets or sets the HTML contained within the element.
OwnerDocument The read-only property returns the top-level document object of the element.
Parent Gets the logical parent element of this element.
TagName Gets a tag of the returned element.
Value Gets and sets the value of <input> fields.


Click Simulates a mouse click on the focused element.
DoubleClick Simulates a double-click on the focused element.
GetAttributeValue Gets the specified attribute value for the returned IHtmlElement object.
RemoveAttribute Removes the specified attribute for the returned IHtmlElement object.
SelectByText Checks the <select> element items for the match with the specified text and selects the matching item.
SelectByValue Checks the <select> element items for the match with the specified string and selects the matching item.
SetAttributeValue Changes the value of the specified attribute to the value set by the NewValue parameter.
SetContent Allows setting content of the element with the IsContentEditable attribute.
TypeText Only with TextField. Enters the transferred text into the focused text field.