Implements the IHtmlElement interface.
public class DMElement : BaseHtmlElement, IHtmlElement
Checked | Sets and gets the value indicating whether the focused CheckBox (<input type=»checkbox»>) is checked. |
Enabled | Sets and gets the value indicating whether the focused element is enabled. |
InnerHtml | Gets or sets the HTML contained within the element. |
OwnerDocument | The read-only property returns the top-level document object of the element. |
Parent | Gets the logical parent element of this element. |
TagName | Gets a tag of the returned element. |
Value | Gets and sets the value of <input> fields. |
Click | Simulates a mouse click on the focused element. |
DoubleClick | Simulates a double-click on the focused element. |
GetAttributeValue | Gets the specified attribute value for the returned IHtmlElement object. |
RemoveAttribute | Removes the specified attribute for the returned IHtmlElement object. |
SelectByText | Checks the <select> element items for the match with the specified text and selects the matching item. |
SelectByValue | Checks the <select> element items for the match with the specified string and selects the matching item. |
SetAttributeValue | Changes the value of the specified attribute to the value set by the NewValue parameter. |
SetContent | Allows setting content of the element with the IsContentEditable attribute. |
TypeText | Only with TextField. Enters the transferred text into the focused text field. |