Everystep Recorder allows users to specify a geographic location in Chrome for more accurate and localized testing. If no location is specified in the script, the default Dotcom-Monitor server location will be used during script execution.

To override geolocation:

  1. Right-click a line before the first step in the script. From the script context menu, select Geolocation.
  2. If your script contains multiple tabs, choose the tab to which you want to apply a custom location.
  3. You will be prompted to allow access to your current geolocation data. If you want the recorder to use your current location in the script, then grant access. If you do not allow access, the recorder will set the coordinates to undefined (0, 0), which you can edit later.
  4. After setting up location access, a new SetGeolocation method will be added to the script. To specify the latitude and longitude for the desired geolocation, click the method in the script and enter the custom latitude and longitude values.

These new geographic coordinates will be used by the system for every script run.


tab0.SetGeolocation (53.861096, 27.479569);