CheckHttpCodeOnly.cs and CheckHttpCodesOnly.cs

Both scripts check for particular HTTP code(s) returned and only those are considered successful. Otherwise, an error alert is generated.

Custom Script File Arguments
CheckHttpCodeOnly.cs “<URL>” <code> <InvertCheck>
CheckHttpCodesOnly.cs “<URL>” <list of codes>

CheckHttpCodeOnly.cs available parameters:

  • <URL> – address to monitor.
  • <code> – numeric HTTP code.
  • additional parameter <InvertCheck> – boolean value, false by default, case sensitive. Use to invert a result of HTTP code monitoring.


CheckHttpCodeOnly.cs "" 302

 <InvertCheck> Examples

If 302 code is returned, the task is considered as successful. Otherwise, an error is generated:

CheckHttpCodeOnly.cs "" 302  false

The above is equal to CheckHttpCodeOnly.cs “” 302.

If any code other than 500 is returned, the task is considered as successful. Otherwise, an error is generated:

CheckHttpCodeOnly.cs "httpfghzghs://" 500 true

CheckHttpCodesOnly.cs available parameters:

  • <URL> – address to monitor.
  • <list of codes> – list of numeric HTTP codes separated by gaps.


CheckHttpCodesOnly.cs "" 302 400 500 304