The following requirements are fundamental and essential for the proper functioning of On-Prem Load Injectors. While these cover the basics, it’s important to note that certain aspects may be intricately tied to specific security policies on the client’s side. These individual nuances will be addressed on a case-by-case basis through technical support requests, as they pertain to client-specific security considerations. For troubleshooting, see Onsite Proxy Agent and On-Prem Load Injector Troubleshooting.

System Requirements

Hardware requirements:

  • 2-core CPU or higher
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 2 GB Hard Drive space

Software prerequisites:

  • On-Prem Add-on enabled in your LoadView account
  • Administrative Access for installation and execution
  • OS Windows Server 2016 or higher x 64bit
  • Chrome (latest release) or Edge (latest release) for On-Prem Agent registration only
  • Windows Media Player (for Streaming Media tasks only)
  • The Remote Desktop service is enabled on the machine (for browser-based tests only)
  • The Always Prompt for Password group policy is set to Not Configured or Is Disabled
What to Do If Always Prompt for Password Is Enabled

To login to RDP services, On-Prem Load Injector requires the Always Prompt for Password group policy to be set to Not Configured or Is Disabled. You can check the policy settings in your Group Policy Editor, Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Security.

If the setting is enabled and your policy requires enforcing a password prompt for users logging on to Remote Desktop Services, please follow the recommendations below to grant On-Prem Load Injector the ability to remotely access the computer:

1. Enable Remote Desktop on your computer.

2. Enable the Require use of specific security layer for remote (RDP) connections policy as shown below.

Outbound traffic requirements

  • For ASP.NET Core 7.0 Runtime (v7.0.11) – Windows x64

Access to the following resource from the server with the installed On-Prem Agent app:

  • For On-Prem Load Injector operation

Depending on your firewall, use either of the options lifted below.

IP Range (Recommended) Host URL
  • *
  • *


Installation Using The Setup Wizard

Configuring On-Prem Load Injector in LoadView

To connect an On-Prem Load Injector installed on your server to LoadView, first you need to create and configure an injector instance in your LoadView account:

  1. Login into your LoadView account and go to Manage > On-Prem Load Injectors
  2. Click New Injector on the On-Prem Load Injectors screen.
  3. Give a unique name to the injector, provide a region and a description.
  4. If you want to limit payload for load testing in real browsers (Web app/ Web page load test), set the Maximum Load Injector Payload for Real Browser Testing parameter.
  5. Save changes. The injector name will appear in the list of On-Prem Load Injectors.

Installing On-Prem Load Injector 

To install On-Prem Load Injectors on your server, follow the steps provided below:

1. From Manage > On-Prem Load Injectors, click Download Installer.

3. Run the installer and follow the steps of the On-Prem setup wizard.

4. Finish On-Prem Load Injector setup and register the injector by logging in into your Dotcom-Monitor account. Registrator runs several prerequisite checks before registering the OnPrem Agent service with LoadView. If any prerequisite checks failed, please consult the On-Prem Agent Troubleshooting article for troubleshooting.

5. To connect the injector to your account, once logged in successfully, select an injector name from the list of the On-Prem Injectors created in your LoadView account.

Silent Install

The On-Prem Load Injector supports command-line installation, allowing for a seamless setup process. During the installation, a new On-Prem Load Injector instance is automatically created, configured in your LoadView account, and connected to the injector on your server. By following the instructions in this section, you can efficiently deploy the On-Prem Load Injector in enterprise environments without manual intervention.

Copy the Installation Command

  1. On your server, run Command Prompt (cmd) as Administrator.
  2. Copy and past the following command in your command line:
OnPremAgentSetup.msi REGISTRATORCMD="-autoinstall -authtoken=<UID>" /qb

Create Your Auth Token

To proceed with the installation, you need to replace ‘<UID>‘ in the -authtoken parameter with your actual authentication token. To do this:

  1. Log in to the LoadView account.
  2. In LoadView, create an integration UID, which will be used as your auth token, under ManageIntegrations > Add Integration > Load Testing Web API.
  3. Click Create Integration and copy the Load Testing Web API Unique Identifier from the Integration UIDs list.
  4. Replace ‘<UID>‘ in the command with the Unique Identifier you just copied. Your command should look like on the example below.

Run the Command

Press Enter to run the command. The installation process will begin and the agent will be automatically registered in LoadView.

Custom On-Prem Load Injector Configuration & Proxy Settings

If you want to use proxy in load testing and specify custom On-Prem Load Injector settings upon registration in LoadView, to the command line, add the configfile parameter followed by a config file path :

OnPremAgentSetup.msi REGISTRATORCMD="-autoinstall -authtoken=8E0999933D6474EBC91BC596B92B2EE -configfile=<ConfigFilePath>.config" /qb

Replace ‘<ConfigFilePath>‘ in the -configfile parameter with a full path to the config file. Use the template below to create your On-Prem Load Injector configuration file.

Config File Template
  "ClientData": {
    "BrowserInjectorsCount": N,
    "Region": "RegionName"
    "AuthToken": "02033AA18B5E4FFBB56CD5745755",
    "DepartmentId": 52902,
    "ProxySettings": {
    "DetectAutomatically": false,
    "UseConfigurationScript": false,
    "AddressConfigurationScript": "",
    "UseProxyServer": false,
    "ProxyServerAddress": "x.x.x.x",
    "ProxyServerPort": "xxxx",
    "NoProxyFor": "",
    "BypassProxyForLocalAddress": false
  "AgentSettings": {
    "Name": "AgentName",
    "Description": "AgentDescription",
Parameter Description


Provide the maximum load injector payload for real browser testing. The payload value should not exceed the maximum limit of 25 users per load injector.


Provide a name of the On-prem Load injector location or region.


You can provide access to your On-prem Load Injector to users of your Department accounts. To do this, specify your Department’s ID in the DepartmentId parameter along with the LoadView Integration UID in the AuthToken parameter:

  1. Log in to the LoadView Department account.
  2. In LoadView, create an integration UID, which will be used as an auth token for your Department, under ManageIntegrations > Add Integration > Load Testing Web API.
  3. Click Create Integration and copy the Load Testing Web API Unique Identifier from the Integration UIDs list to the AuthToken parameter.


Provide ID of the Department with which you want to share the On-Prem Load Injector.

*Please note that the Department ID specified in the DepartmentId parameter must match the AuthToken parameter. Both should be provided for the same Department to ensure proper access to your On-Prem Load Injector.


To use a company’s proxy server upon load testing, specify proxy parameters in the Proxy Settings section.


Specify a descriptive injector name to identify the injector in the On-Prem Load Injectors list.


Provide a description of the injector.

Centralized Installation

Centralized installation of On-Prem Agent across multiple servers can be implemented with various group deployment tools. As an example, you can use our lightweight PowerShell script for installing the agent on specific servers within the Active Directory domain.

Note that the script must be run with an account that has administrator rights on the servers on which you want to install the agent.

param ([Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)][String[]]$servers)

$script = 
    $fullPathToInstaller = $env:TEMP + "\OnPremAgentSetup.msi"
    start-process $fullPathToInstaller -ArgumentList 'REGISTRATORCMD=" -autoinstall -authtoken=8E049B6B64D6474EBC91BC596B92B2EE" /log OnPremLog.txt /qn' -Wait

$installerFileName = "OnPremAgentSetup.msi"
$fullPathToInstaller = $PSScriptRoot + "\" + "$installerFileName"

foreach ($s in $servers)
$tempFolder = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $s -ScriptBlock {$env:TEMP}
$DestComputerSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $s
Copy-Item $fullPathToInstaller -Destination $tempFolder -ToSession $DestComputerSession -Force
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $script -Session $DestComputerSession
Remove-PSSession -Session $DestComputerSession

Enabling On-Prem Regions For Departments

If you have Departments under your LoadView parent account, you can allow departments to run load tests using On-Prem regions.

To enable access to specific On-Prem regions and set a limit on the number of on-premises load tests for a department, go to your Account settings > Departments and configure the corresponding settings in the Load Testing Limits section.