Adding Integration Unique Identifier

To set up an integration with LoadView you must have access to an active LoadView account and create a Unique Identifier with the Load Testing Web API type to use in the authentication request:

  1. Log in to the LoadView account.
  2. In LoadView, create an integration UID under Manage Integrations > New Integration > Load Testing Web API.
  3. Whitelist IPs as described in the How to Whitelist IPs for Web API Access article of our wiki.
  4. Click Create Integration and copy the Load Testing Web API Unique Identifier from the Integration UIDs list.


When you sign on via the “/Login” call, a new client session begins. Sessions expire automatically after a predetermined length of inactivity. The default is one minute. If you make an API call, the inactivity timer is reset to zero.
When your session expires, the exception HTTP error code “401 – Unauthorized” is returned. If this happens, you must log in again.

After authorization, the client is identified by using a cookie, so make sure cookies are enabled.


Content Type

Content-Type: application/json

POST Content

Use an integration UID (Manage Integrations > Add Integration > Load Testing Web API).




