While editing Everystep scripts you can add a custom C# code. See EveryStep Scripting Tool Object Model: classes, methods, properties, etc. to find more information on EveryStep script customization.

Scripts that have been edited with custom C# code require an approval by our technical support team before being saved. Every time you add a custom C# code or edit a script that contains custom C# code the script will be sent for approval automatically. Note that it may take some time for our team to review and approve the script for use.

Here are some examples of adding C# into a script to use conditional statements and randomly defined variables:

Conditional Statement Examples

Aborting the script execution on a content validation error

Step (1, "test - https://www.test.com");
tab0 = Tabs.NewTab ();
tab0.GoTo ("https://www.test.com");
if ( !tab0.Text.Contains("<KEYWORD>"))
For example, to abort the script if the “Login” keyword is not found, add:
if (!tab0.Text.Contains("Login"))

Closing conditional pop-ups if appear

Script replay conditions can vary depending on the geo regions, time, etc. Thus, some content such as pop-ups can be displayed based on conditions while we replay the script. To specify how you want to manage the conditional content at your target website, add the if statement to your EveryStep script.

For example, to close a pop-up if it is displayed on the page during a script replay and navigate to a new page

  1. Record the script with the pop-up displayed on the page.
  2. Alternatively: If you have Xpath to locate the “Close” button on the target page, you can record the script without the pop-up.
  3. Add the if statement on the step where pop-up is expected to appear. Use the “Close” button Xpath to specify the condition.

Note that we use the WaitForElement method in the “if” test expression to wait for the pop-up to be loaded:

tab0.WaitForElement (TimeSpan timeout, string xpath)
// script_version=3.0; everystep_version=0; date=4/8/2022; Chrome=91.0.4472.77
NetworkFilter.Deny ("https://www.adidas.com/api/chk/customer/baskets?sitePath=us");
Tabs.SetSize (1820, 513);
DMBrowser tab0 = null;
Step (1, "adidas Official Website | adidas US - https://www.adidas.com/us/kids");
tab0 = Tabs.NewTab ();
tab0.GoTo ("https://www.adidas.com/");
tab0.Link ("//A[normalize-space(text())=\"KIDS\"]", "//A[normalize-space()=\"3 STRIPE LIFE\"]/../preceding-sibling::DIV[2]//A[normalize-space()=\"KIDS\"]", "//A[normalize-space()=\"Give Back\"]/../preceding-sibling::DIV[3]//A[normalize-space()=\"KIDS\"]").Click ();
Step (2, "Kids Shoes and Clothing | adidas US - https://www.adidas.com/us/kids");
//Waits for pop-up window with the "Close" button to appear on the page for 5 seconds. 
if (tab0.WaitForElement("5sec".ToDuration (), "//*[@ID=\"modal-root\"]/DIV/DIV/BUTTON", "//BUTTON[@ARIA-LABEL=\"Close\"]"))
//If the "Close" button detected, clicks the button to close the pop-up. Otherwise, jumps to the next line.
 tab0.Button ("//*[@ID=\"modal-root\"]/DIV/DIV/BUTTON", "//BUTTON[@ARIA-LABEL=\"Close\"]").Click ();
tab0.Span ("//A[normalize-space(@TITLE)=\"SHOP NOW\"]//SPAN[normalize-space()=\"SHOP NOW\"]", "//A[normalize-space(@TITLE)=\"SHOP NOW\"]//SPAN[normalize-space(text())=\"SHOP NOW\"]", "(//SPAN[normalize-space(text())=\"SHOP NOW\"])[1]").Click ();
Step (3, "Kids - Ultraboost 22 | adidas US - https://www.adidas.com/us/kids-ultraboost_22");

Adding the item to the shopping cart or to the waitlist if the item is not available

If…else statement let your script to carry out specific actions like button clicks, chekbox checks, navigation to another URL, etc. based on the specified condition. For example, you might record an “add to shopping cart” transaction and want the script to either add an item to the cart or, if it is out of stock, to a waiting list. You can do this by adding an if…else statement:

  1. Record the shopping cart transaction.
  2. To specify the test expression, select the element that states that the item is on stock, for example, the “Buy Now” button.
  3. Specify the “if” statement after navigating to the item page by using the tab0.WaitForElement (TimeSpan timeout, string xpath) method with the “Buy Now” button Xpath.
  4. Specify the action to execute if the item is available as the “if” statement. For example, the “Buy Now” click.
  5. Specify the action to execute if the item is out of stock (no “Buy Now” button detected) as the “else” statement. For example, the “Add to List” click.


To specify alternative flow actions, record the actions in addition to the default flow within the same script. Then use the related lines in the “else” statement.

Check the example provided below.

// script_version=3.0; everystep_version=0; date=4/8/2022; Chrome=91.0.4472.77
Tabs.SetSize (1820, 479);
DMBrowser tab0 = null;
Step (1, "International Shopping: Shop Computers that Ship Internationally - https://www.amazon.com/b?node=16225007011");
tab0 = Tabs.NewTab ();
tab0.GoTo ("https://www.amazon.com/b?node=16225007011");
tab0.Image ("//IMG[normalize-space(@ALT)=\"Seagate Portable 2TB External Hard Drive Portable HDD – USB 3.0 for PC, Mac, PlayStation, &amp; Xbox - 1-Year Rescue Service (...\"]", "/HTML/BODY/DIV[1]/DIV[2]/DIV[2]/DIV[1]/DIV[2]/DIV/DIV/DIV[2]/DIV[3]/DIV/DIV/SPAN/A/DIV/IMG").Click ();
Step (2, "Amazon.com: Seagate Portable 2TB External Hard Drive Portable HDD – USB 3.0 for PC, Mac, PlayStation, & Xbox - 1-Year Rescue Service (STGX2000400) : Electronics - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/handle-buy-box/ref=dp_start-bbf_1_glance");
tab0.Navigating ("https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/handle-buy-box/ref=dp_start-bbf_1_glance");
tab0.Para ("//P[normalize-space()=\"500 GB\"]", "//P[normalize-space(text())=\"500 GB\"]", "//LI[normalize-space(@TITLE)=\"Click to select 500 GB\"]/SPAN/DIV/SPAN/SPAN/SPAN/BUTTON/DIV/DIV[1]/P").Click ();

// Waits for the "Buy Now" button to be loaded on the page for 5 seconds. 
if (tab0.WaitForElement("5sec".ToDuration(), "//INPUT[@ID=\"buy-now-button\"]", "(//SPAN[normalize-space()=\"Buy Now\"])[last()]/..//INPUT[@TYPE=\"submit\"]", "(//SPAN[normalize-space()=\"Buy Now\"])[last()]/..//INPUT"))
If the "Buy Now" button detected, clicks the button. Otherwise, the "Buy Now" click is skipped from execution and the "Add to List" click is executed. 
tab0.Button ("//INPUT[@ID=\"buy-now-button\"]", "(//SPAN[normalize-space()=\"Buy Now\"])[last()]/..//INPUT[@TYPE=\"submit\"]", "(//SPAN[normalize-space()=\"Buy Now\"])[last()]/..//INPUT").Click ();
//if the "Buy Now" button not detected, finds and clicks "Add to List" button instead.
  tab0.Link ("//A[normalize-space()=\"Add to List\"]", "//A[normalize-space(text())=\"Add to List\"]", "//A[@NAME=\"submit.add-to-registry.wishlist.unrecognized\"]").Click ();
Step (3, "Amazon Sign-In - https://www.amazon.com/ap/signin?openid.return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fgp%2Faw%2Fd%2FB07X3XGG3F&openid.identity=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.assoc_handle=usflex&openid.mode=checkid_setup&openid.claimed_id=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.ns=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0&");
tab0.Navigating ("https://www.amazon.com/ap/signin?openid.return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fgp%2Faw%2Fd%2FB07X3XGG3F&openid.identity=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.assoc_handle=usflex&openid.mode=checkid_setup&openid.claimed_id=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.ns=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0&");

Data Randomization

Email randomization for registration processes

To use randomly generated emails in the registration process, you can declare a new variable with the randomly generated value similar to the following:

string mail = ("test" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "@gmail.com");

Use the variable as the TypeText method parameter for the email field as shown below:

tab0.TextField ("//INPUT[@TYPE=\"text\"]", "//INPUT[@ID=\"Contact_Email_Addr\"]", "//INPUT).TypeText (mail.ToString ());
// script_version=3.0; everystep_version=4.0.8108.2121; date=4/8/2022; Chrome=91.0.4472.77
Tabs.SetSize (1768, 816);
DMBrowser tab0 = null;
//Declares the mail variable.
string mail = ("test+" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "@gmail.com");
Step (1, "Dotcom-Monitor: Website Monitoring and Performance Testing - https://www.dotcom-monitor.com/");
tab0 = Tabs.NewTab ();
tab0.GoTo ("http://dotcom-monitor.com");
Tabs.SetSize (1768, 623);
tab0.Span ("(//SPAN[normalize-space(text())=\"Free Trial\"])[1]", "(//DIV[@ID=\"jivo-iframe-container\"]/preceding-sibling::DIV[3]//SPAN[normalize-space(text())=\"Free Trial\"])[1]", "(//IFRAME[normalize-space(@TITLE)=\"Jivochat\"]/../preceding-sibling::DIV[3]//SPAN[normalize-space(text())=\"Free Trial\"])[1]").Click ();
Step (2, "Free Trial Sign Up - https://userauth.dotcom-monitor.com/Account/FreeTrialSignUp");
tab0.Navigating ("https://userauth.dotcom-monitor.com/Account/FreeTrialSignUp");
tab0.TextField ("//INPUT[@TYPE=\"text\"]", "//INPUT[@ID=\"Contact_Email_Addr\"]", "//INPUT").Click ();
//Sets the email value to the randomly generated value of the mail variable.
tab0.TextField ("//INPUT[@TYPE=\"text\"]", "//INPUT[@ID=\"Contact_Email_Addr\"]", "//INPUT").TypeText (mail.ToString ());
tab0.Button ("//BUTTON[normalize-space()=\"Start Free Trial\"]", "//BUTTON[normalize-space(text())=\"Start Free Trial\"]", "//BUTTON[@TYPE=\"button\"]").Click ();

Entering age between 18 and 12 y.o.

// script_version=3.0; everystep_version=4.0.5953.25078; date=4/19/2016; IE=11.0.9600.17126
Tabs.ConfigureIEVersion (BrowserMode.IE11, DocumentMode.IE11Emulate);
Tabs.SetSize (1768, 651);
DMBrowser tab0 = null;
Step (1, "The input element - HTML5 tutorial - http://www.html-5-tutorial.com/input-element.php");
tab0 = Tabs.NewTab ();
tab0.GoTo ("http://www.html-5-tutorial.com/input-element.php");

// produces random number in range from 18 to 120
int r = (new Random(DateTime.Now.Second)).Next(18, 121);

tab0.TextField ("//INPUT[@TYPE=\"number\"]", "//INPUT[@NAME=\"age\"]", "//B[normalize-space()=\"Age:\"]/..//INPUT").TypeText (r.ToString());

Choosing randomly male or female gender

// script_version=3.0; everystep_version=4.0.5953.25078; date=4/19/2016; IE=11.0.9600.17126

Tabs.ConfigureIEVersion (BrowserMode.IE11, DocumentMode.IE11Emulate);
Tabs.SetSize (1768, 714);
DMBrowser tab0 = null;
Step (1, "visible - http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_form_radio");
tab0 = Tabs.NewTab ();
tab0.GoTo ("http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_form_radio");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

// produces random number in range from 0 to 2

int r = (new Random(DateTime.Now.Second)).Next(0, 3);
if (r == 0)
tab0.Frame ("//IFRAME[@ID=\"iframeResult\"]", "//IFRAME").RadioButton ("//INPUT[@VALUE=\"female\"]", "//INPUT[@VALUE=\"other\"]/preceding-sibling::INPUT[1]", "//INPUT[@VALUE=\"male\"]/following-sibling::INPUT[1]").Click ();
else if (r == 1)
tab0.Frame ("//IFRAME[@ID=\"iframeResult\"]", "//IFRAME").RadioButton ("//INPUT[@VALUE=\"other\"]", "//INPUT[@VALUE=\"female\"]/following-sibling::INPUT[1]", "//INPUT[@VALUE=\"male\"]/following-sibling::INPUT[2]").Click ();
else if (r == 2)
tab0.Frame ("//IFRAME[@ID=\"iframeResult\"]", "//IFRAME").RadioButton ("//INPUT[@VALUE=\"male\"]", "(//INPUT[@TYPE=\"radio\"])[1]", "(//INPUT[@NAME=\"gender\"])[1]").Click ();

Picking a random item from an online product catalog

To create a script that repeatedly picks random items from an online catalog, use the sample provided below. Note that it is recommended to record multiple item clicks first to make it easier to edit the origin later.

// script_version=3.0; everystep_version=4.0.8108.2121; date=4/12/2022; Chrome=91.0.4472.77
Tabs.SetSize (1768, 714);
DMBrowser tab0 = null;
Step (1, "Amazon.com: Jewelry Made in Italy: Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry - https://www.amazon.com/b?node=19219863011&pf_rd_r=ZS16WVQN9RD996FPB6TH&pf_rd_p=0b9330ec-285a-4f51-9e1c-6765ca451c5f&pd_rd_r=3b9e3cf5-d247-4f50-8d15-a6683fa46846&pd_rd_w=uNsg8&pd_rd_wg=xFg13&ref_=pd_gw_unk");
tab0 = Tabs.NewTab ();
tab0.GoTo ("https://www.amazon.com/b?node=19219863011&pf_rd_r=ZS16WVQN9RD996FPB6TH&pf_rd_p=0b9330ec-285a-4f51-9e1c-6765ca451c5f&pd_rd_r=3b9e3cf5-d247-4f50-8d15-a6683fa46846&pd_rd_w=uNsg8&pd_rd_wg=xFg13&ref_=pd_gw_unk");

//Collects all images to count the total number of images in the body and saves them to the body's Attribute
tab0.RunScript("(function(){const imgCount=document.querySelectorAll(\".s-image\").length;document.body.setAttribute(\"data-imgCount\", imgCount);})()");
int count = 0;

//Gets the value of the Attribute 
string countString = tab0.Element("//BODY").GetAttributeValue("data-imgCount");

//If countString parsed successfully then clicks a random image on the page. Otherwise, raises an error. 
if (!int.TryParse(countString, out count)) {
  RaiseError(string.Format("Failed to get elements count: {0}", countString));
} else {
  var rnd = new Random();
  int i = rnd.Next(1, count);

//Clicks the picked image  
  tab0.Image (string.Format ("(//IMG[@CLASS=\"s-image\"])[{0}]", i)).Click ();

//Navigates to the item page
Step (2, string.Format ("Amazon.com: Selected Item {0}", i));

//Waits for the navigation to be finished. The Navigating (string url) argument can be set to a random URL since it is being scripted while the source script recording and not interfered with the script execution logic. However, the specified URL will be presented in the report data. Check report data for network requests to find an actual URL that was used in the related script run.
tab0.Navigating ("https://www.amazon.com/KEZEF-Creations-Sterling-Overlay-Necklace/dp/B008Y357US/ref=lp_19219863011_1_1");

//Navigates back to the main page and repeats the cycle. You can populate the following lines as many times as necessary within your script.
Step (3, "Amazon.com: Jewelry Made in Italy: Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry - https://www.amazon.com/b?node=19219863011&pf_rd_r=ZS16WVQN9RD996FPB6TH&pf_rd_p=0b9330ec-285a-4f51-9e1c-6765ca451c5f&pd_rd_r=3b9e3cf5-d247-4f50-8d15-a6683fa46846&pd_rd_w=uNsg8&pd_rd_wg=xFg13&ref_=pd_gw_unk");
tab0.Back ();
  i = rnd.Next(1, count);
  tab0.Image (string.Format ("(//IMG[@CLASS=\"s-image\"])[{0}]", i)).Click ();
Step (4, string.Format ("Amazon.com: Selected Item {0}", i));
tab0.Navigating ("https://www.amazon.com/Saint-MIchael-Archangel-Medal-Patron/dp/B01G3K6M5C/ref=lp_19219863011_1_3");
Step (5, "Amazon.com: Jewelry Made in Italy: Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry - https://www.amazon.com/b?node=19219863011&pf_rd_r=ZS16WVQN9RD996FPB6TH&pf_rd_p=0b9330ec-285a-4f51-9e1c-6765ca451c5f&pd_rd_r=3b9e3cf5-d247-4f50-8d15-a6683fa46846&pd_rd_w=uNsg8&pd_rd_wg=xFg13&ref_=pd_gw_unk");
tab0.Back ();

Video playback detection

If your video player is implemented using the <video> tag (similar to YouTube), you can use the code provided below to check that video playback has started on a loaded page. To ensure that the script accurately detects the start of video playback, add a delay right after the step which loads the video player on the page, and then add the following code sample.

tab0.RunScript ("(function(){const video=document.querySelector('video');let count=0;video.addEventListener('progress', (e)=>{count++;document.body.setAttribute('data-video-progress', count);});})()");
Delay ("10sec".ToDuration());
int count = 0;
    count = int.Parse(tab0.Element("//BODY").GetAttributeValue ("data-video-progress"));
catch {}
if (count == 0)
    RaiseError("A video playback didn't start.");