To edit UserView tasks, please refer to API: Edit UserView Task.

A Task edit request consists of the same data you get when you pull out task info. It can be processed according to your goals and POSTed back to the same task URI.

Request URL


Path Parameters

Field Type Required Description



The unique id of a monitoring task.

To see a task id from within your dotcom-monitor account, open the target device in the Device Manager list to edit. In the browser’s address bar you’ll see something like:

The taskId=132834 is the task id.

Header Parameters

Content-Type: application/json
Example Post body

Body Parameters

Each Task type contains individual set of fields and values. You can find a detailed description of JSON objects and fields for a specific task type in the related sections:

Success Response

Example Response
    "Success": true,
    "Result": "Task 140305 has been updated"