On the Reports tab within the device interface, you can specify the format of the device reports as well as set filtering rules, a schedule, and addresses to deliver a particular report.

Dotcom-Monitor provides the following scheduled report types:

  • Text Summary (TXT) – this report can be delivered Daily (6 am), Weekly (Monday, 6 am) or Monthly (the 1st day of the month, 6 am) as a text-based email to the specified addresses. The report includes problems detected, number of successes, failures, average response time, response time deviation, downtime percentage, and uptime percentage. For more information, see TXT Summary Report.
  • CSV Summary (CSV) -this report is delivered once a week (Monday, 6 am) in a CSV file via email to the addresses you specify. The report includes the number of successful tests, failures, average response time, response time deviation, downtime percentage, and postponed (not worked) time percentage. The report also includes the details of the individual tests from each location including the status, response time, and reason. For more information, see CSV Summary Report.

While some versions of Excel are capable of opening CSV files natively, you may be required to specify the semi-colon delimiter in order to view the document in a proper format. To do this, open Excel first, then go to the File menu, select Open an existing file, select the CSV file, and then choose to open the file with the semi-colon as the delimiter.

  • Executive Summary (PDF) – the report tracks the performance of a monitored device, is delivered in the form of PDF report and can be scheduled on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. For more information, see Executive Summary Report.

Select the report format checkboxes under the necessary frequency (daily, weekly or monthly) sections, and in the related fields, adjust available parameters for each report type.


Reports can be fine-tuned using a response filter, including filtering by:

  • how long the error is detected
  • how many monitoring stations confirm the error
  • how many tasks experienced the error
  • whether an owner device is down

After setting up a new filter it will show up as a selectable option in the Filter field for a report.

Excluding specific time periods from reports

A schedule can be applied by selecting it from the Schedule field to exclude a specified time period from calculations. For example, if you have scheduled website maintenance every Saturday between 5 a.m. and 8 a.m., you can create a Schedule called “Sat. 5-8 am. exclusion,” to postpone monitoring during that time period. Then, you can assign that Schedule to your website device.

Report addressee

Scheduled reports can be sent to a single email, or to multiple addresses. To set up an email report, configure a notification group. After a group for alerting is set up it will appear as a selectable option in the Send to field for a report.

Also, Email Global Reports for a device can be configured to be sent to an addressee on the daily, weekly or monthly basis (Reports > Email Reports).