How to Create Devices and Targets

Creating a Target


Enter the server address to be monitored.  This could be the URL or the IP address.

Time Validation Threshold (in milliseconds)

Enter the number of seconds the system should wait for a response from the target resource before returning an error. If this is left blank the default timeout is 120 seconds.

Ignore Protocol Errors

Selecting no will cause the task to error every time any node along the path to the host returns an error.  It is quite common that any given traceroute request will return one or more timeouts from a node along the path.  This does not mean that the request failed, simply that the node took too long to respond and the request was resent. Therefore, you may receive multiple request timeouts but the task will still complete the full traceroute. See more details on the Dotcom-Monitor graphical traceroute tool here.

Due to this particularity, we recommend that you select YES when setting up an ongoing monitor, otherwise your reports may appear to contain many more errors from nodes outside of your control, even if the node responded to a second or third request.

DNS Options

The DNS Options feature allows users to choose how domain name server (DNS) requests are conducted during a monitoring task.

To specify the mode of resolving hostnames, in the DNS Resolve Mode section, select one of the available modes. For more details on the feature configuration, see DNS Mode Options.

The Custom DNS Hosts section allows to set up the mapping of IP addresses to hostnames. IPv6 and IPv4 DNS resolution is supported.

To specify the mapping, enter the IP address and the hostname in the corresponding fields.


See also: DNS Mode Options.