Similar to Network Watcher, Time Watcher measures the time of execution for a specified part of a script and alerts if the threshold has been exceeded. For example, you need to measure only the 4th step of the 10- steps script, which is the load time of a shopping cart at your online store.

You can start Script Time Watcher from the Time Watcher menu on the left side toolbar of EveryStep Recorder while recording your script.

Using Script Time Watcher, you can measure and monitor various aspects of script execution from a user perspective, for example:

  • Form Submission Time
  • Report Generation
  • Login Step Execution
  • Search Query Response Time

To enable Time Watcher for the pre-recorded script:

  1. Right-click the line (step), after which Time Watcher should start measures.
  2. Select Measure Time > Script > Start.
  3. Optional 1: Specify the watcher parameters on the editing pane, located to the left of the script code area.
  4. Optional 2: To collect, process and aggregate Script Time Watcher results as a custom metric, ensure that you enable the Custom Metric option in the Time Watcher settings. Please visit the Custom Metrics in Web App Performance Monitoring and Load Testing article of our wiki to find more details on the custom metric analysis.
  5. Right-click the line, after which the measurement must be stopped. Select Measure Time > Script > Stop, and choose the name of the watcher to close.

Monitoring Solution: Task Consumption 

When the Custom Metric option is enabled, the custom metric check is counted as an additional step in the monitoring script and impacts overall UserView task consumption. Depending on your subscription package, upgrading to the next tier may be required to use the Custom Metric option in your monitoring scripts.

If you have been using the Time Watcher function in your load testing scripts and want to gather the watcher statistics based on all test sessions executed within the test, visit the Time Watcher Statistics article of this wiki.