CompiledScript.StartScriptTimeWatcher Method
Measures the time of execution for a specified part of a script and alerts if the time threshold is exceeded.
See also Time Watcher
public void StartScriptTimeWatcher(string name, WatcherType wt, TimeSpan threshold)
public void StartScriptTimeWatcher(string name, WatcherType wt, TimeSpan threshold)
public void StartScriptTimeWatcher(string name, WatcherType wt, TimeSpan threshold)
name string wt WatcherType threshold TimeSpanExamples
StartScriptTimeWatcher ("ScriptTimeWatcher_2", WatcherType.Alert, "10sec".ToDuration ());
StartScriptTimeWatcher ("ScriptTimeWatcher_2", WatcherType.Alert, "10sec".ToDuration ());
StartScriptTimeWatcher ("ScriptTimeWatcher_2", WatcherType.Alert, "10sec".ToDuration ());