CompiledScript.SetCookieForUrl Method
Adds browser cookies with the specified « name-value » pair to all requests to the provided domain or hostname.
public void SetCookieForUrl(string url, string name, string value)
url string name string value stringUse “*” as a wildcard for a subdomain name. The URL string might contain a full domain or subdomain name.
To filter out a specific cookie in requests to a specific URL, provide the following cookie value in the Value field of the Set Cookie method settings:
For example, the following code will filter out the cookie with the cookie_name name in all requests to
SetCookieForUrl ("", "cookie_name", null);
DMBrowser tab1 = null; Step (1, "Dotcom-Monitor: Website Monitoring and Performance Testing -"); tab0 = Tabs.NewTab (); //Add the specified cookies to all requests to DM domain tab0.GoTo (""); SetCookieForUrl ("http://*", "_dm_tracking_cookie", "67f82a23-c98d-41fb-bc5a-b17f0ba34567"); tab0.Link ("(//A[normalize-space(text())=\"Pricing\"])[1]", "(//LI[@ID=\"mega-menu-item-2198\"])[1]//A[normalize-space()=\"Pricing\"]", "(//LI[@ID=\"mega-menu-item-2198\"])[1]//A[normalize-space(text())=\"Pricing\"]").Click (); Step (2, "Pricing - Dotcom-Monitor -"); tab0.Navigating ("");