public class DMBrowser : MarshalByRefObject, ITab
The script begins with declaring the number of tabs:
DMBrowser tab0 = null; DMBrowser tab1 = null;
where tab0 is an object of the DMBrowser class.
Browser | Gets and sets the implementation of the abstract class for Chrome, IE, Edge, Firefox support. |
Text | Gets the text content of the current page. |
Title | Gets and sets the title of the current page. |
VideoCapture | Gets and sets the region to hide on the recorded video on playback. |
Url | Gets the URL of the current page. |
Area | Searches for the <area> HTML elements. |
Back | Navigates to the previous URL. |
Button | Searches for the <button> and <input type=»button/submit/reset»> HTML elements. |
CheckBox | Searches for the HTML elements with <input type=»checkbox»> tag. |
Click | Simulates a mouse click at the position of the cursor or specified screen coordinates. |
Div | Searches for the <div> HTML elements. |
Download | Downloads the file from the URL. |
Downloading | Downloads the file to the internal storage from the external URL. |
Element | Tag is ignored, the search is executed by xpathes. |
Elements | Similar to Element. Returns an HtmlElement massive. |
FileUpload | Searches for the HTML elements with <input type=”file”> tag. |
FindPicture | Checks for the specified picture on the current tab. |
Form | Searches for the <form> HTML elements. |
Forward | Navigates to the last visited page (if Back () was used before). |
Frame | Searches for the <frame> and <iframe> HTML elements. |
GoTo | Navigates inside the current tab to the specified address (URL). |
Image | Searches for the <image> and <input type=»image»> HTML elements. |
IsElementPresented | Checks for an element with the specified xpaths. |
KeywordAssert | Searches the specified string or a massive of strings in «innertext» of an HTML document. |
Label | Searches for the <label> HTML elements. |
Link | Searches for the <a> HTML elements. |
MouseDown | Simulates the «mousedown» event when the mouse pointer is over an element, and the mouse button is pressed. |
MouseMove | Places cursor to the position with the specified coordinates relative to the last mouse cursor position. |
MouseMoveTo | Moves the mouse cursor to the specified position. |
MouseUp | Simulates «mouseup» event. |
MouseWheel | Simulates the mouse wheel event. |
Navigating | Reflects transition to another URL during recording, initiated by a browser. |
Option | Searches for the <option> HTML elements. |
Para | Searches for the <p> HTML elements. |
PictureAssert | Searches the specified picture in HTML document (default timeout is 50 seconds). |
PressKey | Sends a key press message to a browser. |
RadioButton | Searches for the <input type=»radio»> HTML elements. |
Refresh | Forces the browser to re-download the page from the server. |
RunScript | Runs the javascript passed as a string. |
Scroll | Simulates the scroll event. |
SelectList | Searches for the <select> HTML elements. |
SetScale | Sets scale from a mobile device. |
Span | Searches for the <span> HTML elements. |
Table | Searches for the <table> HTML elements. |
TableBody | Searches for the <tbody> HTML elements. |
TableCell | Searches for the <td> and <th> HTML elements. |
TableRow | Searches for the <tr> HTML elements. |
TextField | Searches for the <textarea> and <input type=»text»> <input> HTML elements. |
TypeText | Types the specified text at the position of the mouse cursor. |