
public class DMBrowser : MarshalByRefObject, ITab

The script begins with declaring the number of tabs:

DMBrowser tab0 = null;
DMBrowser tab1 = null;

where tab0 is an object of the DMBrowser class.


Browser Gets and sets the implementation of the abstract class for Chrome, IE, Edge, Firefox support.
Text Gets the text content of the current page.
Title Gets and sets the title of the current page.
VideoCapture Gets and sets the region to hide on the recorded video on playback.
Url Gets the URL of the current page.


Area Searches for the <area> HTML elements.
Back Navigates to the previous URL.
Button Searches for the <button> and <input type=»button/submit/reset»> HTML elements.
CheckBox Searches for the HTML elements with <input type=»checkbox»> tag.
Click Simulates a mouse click at the position of the cursor or specified screen coordinates.
Div Searches for the <div> HTML elements.
Download Downloads the file from the URL.
Downloading Downloads the file to the internal storage from the external URL.
Element Tag is ignored, the search is executed by xpathes.
Elements Similar to Element. Returns an HtmlElement massive.
FileUpload Searches for the HTML elements with <input type=”file”> tag.
FindPicture Checks for the specified picture on the current tab.
Form Searches for the <form> HTML elements.
Forward Navigates to the last visited page (if Back () was used before).
Frame Searches for the <frame> and <iframe> HTML elements.
GoTo Navigates inside the current tab to the specified address (URL).
Image Searches for the <image> and <input type=»image»> HTML elements.
IsElementPresented Checks for an element with the specified xpaths.
KeywordAssert Searches the specified string or a massive of strings in «innertext» of an HTML document.
Label Searches for the <label> HTML elements.
Link Searches for the <a> HTML elements.
MouseDown Simulates the «mousedown» event when the mouse pointer is over an element, and the mouse button is pressed.
MouseMove Places cursor to the position with the specified coordinates relative to the last mouse cursor position.
MouseMoveTo Moves the mouse cursor to the specified position.
MouseUp Simulates «mouseup» event.
MouseWheel Simulates the mouse wheel event.
Navigating Reflects transition to another URL during recording, initiated by a browser.
Option Searches for the <option> HTML elements.
Para Searches for the <p> HTML elements.
PictureAssert Searches the specified picture in HTML document (default timeout is 50 seconds).
PressKey Sends a key press message to a browser.
RadioButton Searches for the <input type=»radio»> HTML elements.
Refresh Forces the browser to re-download the page from the server.
RunScript Runs the javascript passed as a string.
Scroll Simulates the scroll event.
SelectList Searches for the <select> HTML elements.
SetScale Sets scale from a mobile device.
Span Searches for the <span> HTML elements.
Table Searches for the <table> HTML elements.
TableBody Searches for the <tbody> HTML elements.
TableCell Searches for the <td> and <th> HTML elements.
TableRow Searches for the <tr> HTML elements.
TextField Searches for the <textarea> and <input type=»text»> <input> HTML elements.
TypeText Types the specified text at the position of the mouse cursor.