Para que las alertas SNMP funcionen correctamente, permita el siguiente rango de IP en la configuración de su firewall:
La alerta del Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) envía una captura SNMP a una consola de administración SNMP, o a un servidor. Esta opción integra alertas de Dotcom-Monitor directamente en un sistema de administración de TI, por lo que las alertas se tratan y se enrutan como cualquier otra alerta dentro de una empresa. Actualmente, Dotcom-Monitor® admite SNMP v1, v2 y v3.
Dotcom-Monitor tiene un Enterprise OID registrado, que es 31201. Las alertas se envían como un tipo Enterprise, que es el valor seis. Para un bit personalizado, una alerta de error es el valor uno; una alerta de tiempo de actividad es el valor dos; una alerta de prueba es el valor tres.
Las alertas se envían a través de Internet en un puerto SNMP estándar.
Dotcom-Monitor captura el archivo MIB para SNMP v1
Plain textCopy to clipboardOpen code in new windowEnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter-- Dotcom-Monitor Inc-- Private Enterprise MIB definition-- 09/02/2015--Dotcom-Monitor Support--Postal: 5125 County Road 101, Suite 100-- Minnetonka, MN 55345-- USA---- Tel: 888-479-0741; Fax: 888-794-3554---- E-mail: Support@Dotcom-Monitor.Com-- This file describes the Dotcom-Monitor Inc Enterprise MIB.-- It includes object identifiers and object definitions for the-- Dotcom-Monitor Inc only, and should be used for compilation by a management-- tool in order to extend the tool to support the Dotcom-Monitor Inc MIB.DOTCOM-MONITOR-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGINIMPORTSTRAP-TYPEFROM RFC-1215DisplayStringFROM RFC1213-MIBOBJECT-TYPEFROM RFC-1212TimeTicks, enterprisesFROM RFC1155-SMI;-- tree structuredotcom-monitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 31201 }variables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dotcom-monitor 255 }-- variablesnotificationInfo OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayStringACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Information about the source of the notification."::= { variables 1 }deviceId OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX INTEGERACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Device ID."::= { variables 4 }deviceName OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayStringACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Device name."::= { variables 5 }firstErrorCode OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX INTEGERACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"First error code."::= { variables 6 }firstErrorDscr OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayStringACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Error code description."::= { variables 7 }errorFirstConfirmed OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX TimeTicksACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Date-Time when the error occurred."::= { variables 8 }errorFirstConfirmedType OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayStringACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Error type."::= { variables 9 }errorFirstConfirmedLocation OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayStringACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatoryDESCRIPTION"Error location."::= { variables 10 }-- Generic Trapserror TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE dotcom-monitorVARIABLES {notificationInfo,deviceId,deviceName,firstErrorCode,firstErrorDscr,errorFirstConfirmed,errorFirstConfirmedType,errorFirstConfirmedLocation}DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the trap contains info about Device Errors"::= 1uptime TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE dotcom-monitorVARIABLES {notificationInfo,deviceId}DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the trap contains info about Device Uptime"::= 2test TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE dotcom-monitorVARIABLES {notificationInfo,deviceId}DESCRIPTION "This is the trap that used for test purposes only."::= 3event TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE dotcom-monitorVARIABLES {notificationInfo,deviceId}DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the trap contains info about Device Events"::= 4END-- Dotcom-Monitor Inc -- Private Enterprise MIB definition -- 09/02/2015 --Dotcom-Monitor Support --Postal: 5125 County Road 101, Suite 100 -- Minnetonka, MN 55345 -- USA -- -- Tel: 888-479-0741; Fax: 888-794-3554 -- -- E-mail: Support@Dotcom-Monitor.Com -- This file describes the Dotcom-Monitor Inc Enterprise MIB. -- It includes object identifiers and object definitions for the -- Dotcom-Monitor Inc only, and should be used for compilation by a management -- tool in order to extend the tool to support the Dotcom-Monitor Inc MIB. DOTCOM-MONITOR-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TimeTicks, enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI; -- tree structure dotcom-monitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 31201 } variables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dotcom-monitor 255 } -- variables notificationInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information about the source of the notification." ::= { variables 1 } deviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device ID." ::= { variables 4 } deviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device name." ::= { variables 5 } firstErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "First error code." ::= { variables 6 } firstErrorDscr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Error code description." ::= { variables 7 } errorFirstConfirmed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Date-Time when the error occurred." ::= { variables 8 } errorFirstConfirmedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Error type." ::= { variables 9 } errorFirstConfirmedLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Error location." ::= { variables 10 } -- Generic Traps error TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE dotcom-monitor VARIABLES { notificationInfo, deviceId, deviceName, firstErrorCode, firstErrorDscr, errorFirstConfirmed, errorFirstConfirmedType, errorFirstConfirmedLocation } DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the trap contains info about Device Errors" ::= 1 uptime TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE dotcom-monitor VARIABLES { notificationInfo, deviceId } DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the trap contains info about Device Uptime" ::= 2 test TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE dotcom-monitor VARIABLES { notificationInfo, deviceId } DESCRIPTION "This is the trap that used for test purposes only." ::= 3 event TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE dotcom-monitor VARIABLES { notificationInfo, deviceId } DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the trap contains info about Device Events" ::= 4 END-- Dotcom-Monitor Inc -- Private Enterprise MIB definition -- 09/02/2015 --Dotcom-Monitor Support --Postal: 5125 County Road 101, Suite 100 -- Minnetonka, MN 55345 -- USA -- -- Tel: 888-479-0741; Fax: 888-794-3554 -- -- E-mail: Support@Dotcom-Monitor.Com -- This file describes the Dotcom-Monitor Inc Enterprise MIB. -- It includes object identifiers and object definitions for the -- Dotcom-Monitor Inc only, and should be used for compilation by a management -- tool in order to extend the tool to support the Dotcom-Monitor Inc MIB. DOTCOM-MONITOR-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TimeTicks, enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI; -- tree structure dotcom-monitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 31201 } variables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dotcom-monitor 255 } -- variables notificationInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information about the source of the notification." ::= { variables 1 } deviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device ID." ::= { variables 4 } deviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device name." ::= { variables 5 } firstErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "First error code." ::= { variables 6 } firstErrorDscr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Error code description." ::= { variables 7 } errorFirstConfirmed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Date-Time when the error occurred." ::= { variables 8 } errorFirstConfirmedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Error type." ::= { variables 9 } errorFirstConfirmedLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Error location." ::= { variables 10 } -- Generic Traps error TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE dotcom-monitor VARIABLES { notificationInfo, deviceId, deviceName, firstErrorCode, firstErrorDscr, errorFirstConfirmed, errorFirstConfirmedType, errorFirstConfirmedLocation } DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the trap contains info about Device Errors" ::= 1 uptime TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE dotcom-monitor VARIABLES { notificationInfo, deviceId } DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the trap contains info about Device Uptime" ::= 2 test TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE dotcom-monitor VARIABLES { notificationInfo, deviceId } DESCRIPTION "This is the trap that used for test purposes only." ::= 3 event TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE dotcom-monitor VARIABLES { notificationInfo, deviceId } DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the trap contains info about Device Events" ::= 4 END
Dotcom-Monitor captura el archivo MIB para SNMP v2
Plain textCopy to clipboardOpen code in new windowEnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter-- Dotcom-Monitor Inc-- Private Enterprise MIB definition-- 09/02/2015--Dotcom-Monitor Support--Postal: 5125 County Road 101, Suite 100-- Minnetonka, MN 55345-- USA---- Tel: 888-479-0741; Fax: 888-794-3554---- E-mail: Support@Dotcom-Monitor.Com-- This file describes the Dotcom-Monitor Inc Enterprise MIB.-- It includes object identifiers and object definitions for the-- Dotcom-Monitor Inc only, and should be used for compilation by a management-- tool in order to extend the tool to support the Dotcom-Monitor Inc MIB.DOTCOM-MONITOR-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGINIMPORTSMODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32, TimeTicks, enterprisesFROM SNMPv2-SMIDisplayStringFROM SNMPv2-TCOBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUPFROM SNMPv2-CONF;dotcomMonitorMIB MODULE-IDENTITYLAST-UPDATED "202011100000Z"ORGANIZATION "Dotcom-Monitor."CONTACT-INFO"Dotcom-Monitor IncPostal: 5125 County Road 101, Suite 100Minnetonka, MN 55345USATel: 888-479-0741; Fax: 888-794-3554E-mail: Support@Dotcom-Monitor.Com"DESCRIPTION"The MIB module for Dotcom-Monitor.Com"REVISION "202011100000Z"DESCRIPTION"Added deviceId, deviceName, firstErrorCode, firstErrorDscr, errorFirstConfirmed, errorFirstConfirmedType, errorFirstConfirmedLocation."REVISION "202010220000Z"DESCRIPTION"Initial version of this MIB."::= { enterprises 31201 254 }dotcommonitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 31201 }variables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dotcommonitor 255 }notificationInfo OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayStringMAX-ACCESS read-onlySTATUS currentDESCRIPTION"Information about the source of notification."::= { variables 1 }deviceId OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX Integer32MAX-ACCESS read-onlySTATUS currentDESCRIPTION"Device ID."::= { variables 4 }deviceName OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayStringMAX-ACCESS read-onlySTATUS currentDESCRIPTION"Device name."::= { variables 5 }firstErrorCode OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX Integer32MAX-ACCESS read-onlySTATUS currentDESCRIPTION"First error code."::= { variables 6 }firstErrorDscr OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayStringMAX-ACCESS read-onlySTATUS currentDESCRIPTION"Error code decription."::= { variables 7 }errorFirstConfirmed OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX TimeTicksMAX-ACCESS read-onlySTATUS currentDESCRIPTION"Date-Time when the error occurred."::= { variables 8 }errorFirstConfirmedType OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayStringMAX-ACCESS read-onlySTATUS currentDESCRIPTION"Error type."::= { variables 9 }errorFirstConfirmedLocation OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX DisplayStringMAX-ACCESS read-onlySTATUS currentDESCRIPTION"Error location."::= { variables 10 }-- Generic Trapserror NOTIFICATION-TYPEOBJECTS {notificationInfo,deviceId,deviceName,firstErrorCode,firstErrorDscr,errorFirstConfirmed,errorFirstConfirmedType,errorFirstConfirmedLocation}STATUS currentDESCRIPTION "This indicates that the notification contains info about Device Errors"::= {dotcommonitor 1}uptime NOTIFICATION-TYPEOBJECTS {notificationInfo,deviceId}STATUS currentDESCRIPTION "This indicates that the notification contains info about Device Uptime"::= {dotcommonitor 2}test NOTIFICATION-TYPEOBJECTS {notificationInfo,deviceId}STATUS currentDESCRIPTION "This is the notification that used for test purposes only."::= {dotcommonitor 3}event NOTIFICATION-TYPEOBJECTS {notificationInfo,deviceId}STATUS currentDESCRIPTION "This indicates that the notification contains info about Device Events"::= {dotcommonitor 4}dotcomBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUPOBJECTS { notificationInfo, deviceId}STATUS currentDESCRIPTION"Contains data structures used in notifications."::= { variables 3 }dotcomNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUPNOTIFICATIONS { event, uptime, error, test }STATUS currentDESCRIPTION"The notifications of events relating to Dotcom-Monitor monitoring process."::= {variables 2}END-- Dotcom-Monitor Inc -- Private Enterprise MIB definition -- 09/02/2015 --Dotcom-Monitor Support --Postal: 5125 County Road 101, Suite 100 -- Minnetonka, MN 55345 -- USA -- -- Tel: 888-479-0741; Fax: 888-794-3554 -- -- E-mail: Support@Dotcom-Monitor.Com -- This file describes the Dotcom-Monitor Inc Enterprise MIB. -- It includes object identifiers and object definitions for the -- Dotcom-Monitor Inc only, and should be used for compilation by a management -- tool in order to extend the tool to support the Dotcom-Monitor Inc MIB. DOTCOM-MONITOR-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32, TimeTicks, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF; dotcomMonitorMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202011100000Z" ORGANIZATION "Dotcom-Monitor." CONTACT-INFO "Dotcom-Monitor Inc Postal: 5125 County Road 101, Suite 100 Minnetonka, MN 55345 USA Tel: 888-479-0741; Fax: 888-794-3554 E-mail: Support@Dotcom-Monitor.Com" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for Dotcom-Monitor.Com" REVISION "202011100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added deviceId, deviceName, firstErrorCode, firstErrorDscr, errorFirstConfirmed, errorFirstConfirmedType, errorFirstConfirmedLocation." REVISION "202010220000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB." ::= { enterprises 31201 254 } dotcommonitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 31201 } variables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dotcommonitor 255 } notificationInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the source of notification." ::= { variables 1 } deviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device ID." ::= { variables 4 } deviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device name." ::= { variables 5 } firstErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "First error code." ::= { variables 6 } firstErrorDscr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error code decription." ::= { variables 7 } errorFirstConfirmed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Date-Time when the error occurred." ::= { variables 8 } errorFirstConfirmedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error type." ::= { variables 9 } errorFirstConfirmedLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error location." ::= { variables 10 } -- Generic Traps error NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { notificationInfo, deviceId, deviceName, firstErrorCode, firstErrorDscr, errorFirstConfirmed, errorFirstConfirmedType, errorFirstConfirmedLocation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the notification contains info about Device Errors" ::= {dotcommonitor 1} uptime NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { notificationInfo, deviceId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the notification contains info about Device Uptime" ::= {dotcommonitor 2} test NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { notificationInfo, deviceId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the notification that used for test purposes only." ::= {dotcommonitor 3} event NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { notificationInfo, deviceId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the notification contains info about Device Events" ::= {dotcommonitor 4} dotcomBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { notificationInfo, deviceId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains data structures used in notifications." ::= { variables 3 } dotcomNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { event, uptime, error, test } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notifications of events relating to Dotcom-Monitor monitoring process." ::= {variables 2} END-- Dotcom-Monitor Inc -- Private Enterprise MIB definition -- 09/02/2015 --Dotcom-Monitor Support --Postal: 5125 County Road 101, Suite 100 -- Minnetonka, MN 55345 -- USA -- -- Tel: 888-479-0741; Fax: 888-794-3554 -- -- E-mail: Support@Dotcom-Monitor.Com -- This file describes the Dotcom-Monitor Inc Enterprise MIB. -- It includes object identifiers and object definitions for the -- Dotcom-Monitor Inc only, and should be used for compilation by a management -- tool in order to extend the tool to support the Dotcom-Monitor Inc MIB. DOTCOM-MONITOR-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32, TimeTicks, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF; dotcomMonitorMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202011100000Z" ORGANIZATION "Dotcom-Monitor." CONTACT-INFO "Dotcom-Monitor Inc Postal: 5125 County Road 101, Suite 100 Minnetonka, MN 55345 USA Tel: 888-479-0741; Fax: 888-794-3554 E-mail: Support@Dotcom-Monitor.Com" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for Dotcom-Monitor.Com" REVISION "202011100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added deviceId, deviceName, firstErrorCode, firstErrorDscr, errorFirstConfirmed, errorFirstConfirmedType, errorFirstConfirmedLocation." REVISION "202010220000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB." ::= { enterprises 31201 254 } dotcommonitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 31201 } variables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dotcommonitor 255 } notificationInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the source of notification." ::= { variables 1 } deviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device ID." ::= { variables 4 } deviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device name." ::= { variables 5 } firstErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "First error code." ::= { variables 6 } firstErrorDscr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error code decription." ::= { variables 7 } errorFirstConfirmed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Date-Time when the error occurred." ::= { variables 8 } errorFirstConfirmedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error type." ::= { variables 9 } errorFirstConfirmedLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error location." ::= { variables 10 } -- Generic Traps error NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { notificationInfo, deviceId, deviceName, firstErrorCode, firstErrorDscr, errorFirstConfirmed, errorFirstConfirmedType, errorFirstConfirmedLocation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the notification contains info about Device Errors" ::= {dotcommonitor 1} uptime NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { notificationInfo, deviceId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the notification contains info about Device Uptime" ::= {dotcommonitor 2} test NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { notificationInfo, deviceId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the notification that used for test purposes only." ::= {dotcommonitor 3} event NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { notificationInfo, deviceId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates that the notification contains info about Device Events" ::= {dotcommonitor 4} dotcomBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { notificationInfo, deviceId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains data structures used in notifications." ::= { variables 3 } dotcomNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { event, uptime, error, test } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notifications of events relating to Dotcom-Monitor monitoring process." ::= {variables 2} END
//Downtime message community=public, enterprise=, uptime=02:28:28, agent_ip=, generic_num=6, specificTrap_num=1, specificTrap_name=, version=Ver1,"Dvc:ServerView Check;;Loc:Dallas;Err:400;Dsc:Invalid keyword(s). Not found: ':01:', ':02:', ';3/23/2021 10:28:24 ","Dvc:ServerView Check;;Loc:Dallas;Err:400;Dsc:Invalid keyword(s). Not found: ':01:', ':02:', ';3/23/2021 10:28:24 ",,"ServerView Check",,"Invalid keyword(s). Not found: ':01:', ':02:', ':03:', ':04:', ':05:', ':11:', ':12:', ':13:', ':14:', ':15:', ':21:', ':22:', ':23:', ':24:', ':25:', ':31:', ':32:', ':33:', ':34:', ':35:', ':41:', ':42:', ':43:', ':44:', ':45:', ':51:', ':52:', ':5",,,
//Uptime message community=public, enterprise=, uptime=02:41:30, agent_ip=, generic_num=6, specificTrap_num=2, specificTrap_name=, version=Ver1,"Device: ServerView Check back online at 3/23/2021 10:41:26 AM Location: Dallas","Device: Server View Check back online at 3/23/2021 10:41:26 AM Location: Dallas",