كيفية إنشاء الأجهزة
استيراد بالجملة
لإنشاء أجهزة مراقبة بشكل مجمع، اختر خيار الاستيراد المجمع الذي يتم توفيره لأجهزة مراقبة WebPage في الصفحة تحديد نوع مراقبة . لمزيد من التفاصيل، يرجى الاطلاع على الاستيراد المجمع | مراقبة صفحة الويب ، HTTP / S ، ومقالة أجهزة PING / ICMP من الويكي.
تكوين طلب
أثناء تكوين مراقبة صفحة ويب واحدة، ستتم مطالبتك بضبط الإعدادات الأساسية التالية ضمن علامة التبويب الأهداف :
Enter the URL that you wish to test. The address should be formed exactly as you would use it in a browser, such as http://www.example.com. You must include the http:// or https:// at the beginning of the address. You may include any GET parameters at the end of your URL.
Select the desired browser platform from the following choices: Edge, Firefox, Chrome, or a mobile device.
Depending upon which browser type you selected above, the Browser Version field will appear. Here you can specify a specific version of the browser you wish to use in the test.
عتبة التحقق من صحة الوقت (بالثواني)
Enter the number of seconds you expect your task should be completed in case you would like to receive an error if this threshold is exceeded.
Allows you to disable the detection of any certificate issues.
Record Video on Each Run will record a video capture for every single monitoring session. If this option is not turned on, the task will only record a video on the first session of a day that errors or on the first error detected from a location in a given error period.
If you want to see how a web page performs for a frequent visitor, or someone who already has elements from the page cached, you can turn on the return visitor flag on the task edit screen.
Simulate a Return Visitor immediately revisits the web page a second time and only records the results of the second visit. Results may differ from a first visit (which always starts with an empty cache) based upon how the browser handles certain items, such as the expiry of elements on the page.
Response time is commonly considered as the time passed from the end-user request in a real browser to the particular event during the page loading process.
Choose from the following options to calculate Response Time for:
- Full Page Load. Calculation of Full Page Load time is started when a site visitor initiates a request and stops when the entire page’s content is displayed in the browser window (the loading spinner has stopped spinning). To put it in another way, the time includes server response time and download time of all sub-resources like images and CSS (the Load Complete End event).
- Network Times Only. Selecting Network Times Only is useful if you are interested in a pure server response and download time of the page elements, and not in how long it takes an arbitrary end-user machine to render the page. It still sends a browser agent of the type specified above – and the server may send a different response based upon the agent specified. The time between network requests (e.g., JavaScript was executing) is not taken into account during the network time calculation, so verification for completion timeout is applied to pure response time.
- Navigation Timing Event. This option brings up a selection of particular time points in the page loading process. Some correspond to DOM events, others describe the time at which internal browser operations of interest took place. For descriptions of a particular event parameter, see https://www.w3.org/TR/navigation-timing/#sec-navigation-timing-interface.
- First Meaningful Paint. If this option is selected, the time to load a page’s primary visible content (the visible text, images, etc.) is calculated. The paint that follows the biggest layout change is taken into account. For example, the time to render the majority of the search results for a search engine page is calculated. Paints with only the page header, navigation bar, or loading indicator such as spinner icon don’t qualify.
*رؤى إضافية. يمكن إنشاء تقارير إضافية لتدقيق الأداء وتحسين محركات البحث ومقاييس موقع الويب الأخرى تلقائيا. لمزيد من المعلومات حول كيفية إنشاء مراقبة المنارة باستخدام Dotcom-Monitor، تفضل بزيارة مقالة ويكي الخاصة بنا حول المنارة.
تعطيل تسجيل الفيديو ولقطات الشاشة
بشكل افتراضي ، عندما يقوم Dotcom-Monitor بتحميل صفحة ويب في نافذة متصفح ، يلتقط النظام فيديو لطلبات تنفيذ طلبات صفحة الويب. بمجرد تسجيله ، يتم تضمين الفيديو في التقرير عبر الإنترنت لأغراض استكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها. إذا كنت لا ترغب في تسجيل فيديو لمراقبة تنفيذ الطلبات ، على سبيل المثال ، لأسباب أمنية ، يمكنك تعطيل ميزات التسجيل ولقطات الشاشة تماما.
يرجى الاطلاع على تأمين معلومات تحديد الهوية الشخصية: إدارة تسجيل الفيديو في كل خطوة لحماية معلومات تحديد الهوية الشخصية لمزيد من التفاصيل.
وضع المتصفح
يمكن ل Dotcom-Monitor إرسال طلبات المراقبة من خلال وكيل أو مباشرة. بشكل افتراضي ، سيتم إرسال جميع طلبات المراقبة مباشرة من وكلاء المراقبة.
يسمح خيار وضع المتصفح بتنشيط الوكيل بسرعة لإرسال الطلبات في وضع النفق أو العودة إلى الطلبات المباشرة .
تقرير عن انتهاء صلاحية الشهادة
To keep track of SSL certificate expiration dates on the target webpage, activate the Report on Certificate expiration option. The data collected on the certificate expiration dates can be included in your email reports and can be presented on shareable report cards for better control. Learn how to configure certificate check reports from the Web Certificate Expiration Reports article of this wiki.
Once the option is activated, you can configure filters to exclude specific certificates from the check or monitor only certificates that match the required criteria.
الكلمات الرئيسية للتحقق من صحة المحتوى
Content Validation Keywords are used to ensure that the expected content was loaded onto a web page. In the Keyword fields, you can specify one or more words or phrases that you wish to search for in the web page content. If the expected keywords are not found, the task will return an error.
You can enter multiple strings into the keyword fields. The values you enter can be separated by logical expressions as follows:
{[ – keyword expression start;
]} – keyword expression end;
() – grouping brackets;
& – logical AND;
| – logical OR;
! – logical NOT;
“string” – a keyword.
A successful keyword expression must include the start and end brackets as follows:
The HTTP authentication protocol is used to allow users to access content on some websites.
The following authentication schemes are available:
- Basic Authentication: This method encodes the username and password in base64 and sends them in the request header. It’s simple but not secure unless used with HTTPS.
- Digest Authentication: This scheme hashes credentials using a nonce (a random value) before sending them over the network, providing better security than Basic Authentication by preventing replay attacks.
- NTLM Authentication: A challenge-response mechanism developed by Microsoft, NTLM is used for securing credentials in Windows environments. It provides strong security by using multiple hashing and challenge-response protocols.
Once provided, login credentials will be passed along with the request header to the web server.
- Username: contains a username for HTTP/S authentication.
- User Password: contains a password for HTTP/S authentication.
Do not confuse HTTP authentication with other authentication schemes such as Bearer Authentication that involves bearer tokens and OAuth 2.0 that uses access tokens.
Read the articles on Basic Authentication Username and Password and Monitoring OAuth 2.0-based APIs for more information.
Expand the network element filter section and add a filter rule to ignore certain elements, such as images, Flash, or CSS, so they are not downloaded. You can use this to filter out elements that return an error. For example, you could ignore files that end in .js, .css, or .png. Or you could ignore files that contain google or jquery, etc.
There are two types of rules:
- Ignore elements corresponding to the mask.
- Download only the elements that correspond to the mask.
Each “Download” and “Ignore” field has three possible values:
- Start With. Each referenced object which starts with this string will be filtered.
- Contain. Each referenced object which contains this string will be filtered.
- End With. Each referenced object which ends with this string will be filtered.
- Equals. Each referenced object which is equivalent to this string will be filtered.
خيارات DNS
The DNS Options feature allows users to choose how domain name server (DNS) requests are conducted during a monitoring task.
To specify the mode of resolving hostnames, in the DNS Resolve Mode section, select one of the available modes. For more details on the feature configuration, see DNS Mode Options.
The Custom DNS Hosts section allows to set up the mapping of IP addresses to hostnames. IPv6 and IPv4 DNS resolution is supported.
To specify the mapping, enter the IP address and the hostname in the corresponding fields.
See also: DNS Mode Options.