Tag: user experience

Media Stream Monitoring Tool | Streaming Media Monitoring Formats List

Earlier this week Dotcom-Monitor announced ServerView Monitoring™ Media Stream. This technology allows users to monitor a broad range of streaming content from an external “user experience” perspective. In addition to comprehensive data and diagnostic aspects, customizable alerts may be setup for each media stream to continually monitor media performance and availability. Interactive waterfall charts and drill downs amongst the data allow users to locate and repair problems, significantly reducing mean time to repair (MTTR).

Below is a list of streaming media formats currently available for monitoring and testing:

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Recording Web Application Errors | Experience vs Perceived Experience

UserView Monitoring video is more than a perceived user experience metric, it is the most direct record of user experience performance in the web application monitoring market today. As a result, time and dollars can be invested targeting optimization efforts that you can see will improve your bottom line.

When web application errors occur, saving time, effectively communicating with your team, and seeing the web application error from the user’s view reduces the impact of the error and provides a more direct view of optimizing web applications for the future.

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User Experience Monitoring in the Age of Video | User Experience Video

User Experience Video: Using Active Website Monitoring Video Capture

Is your website monitoring data so detailed its like watching a user experience video of website monitoring? If not, then its time to look at an industry-first innovation that tells the full story, website monitoring that captures a user experience video – rather than just data – about your website’s performance. See this user’s view yourself, in the aptly named UserView Monitoring.

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IPv6 Monitoring | IPv6 Performance, Network & Security Monitoring

The switch to IPv6 is jumping to light speed. On June 8, 2011 several large organizations, including Google, Yahoo, and Facebook will run a comprehensive test for switching to IPv6. If all goes well most companies will start making the switch. However, the advent of IPV6 is not without problems and the performance monitoring solutions that worked for IPv4, will not work with IPv6.

Using an active external performance monitoring service will be critical with the advent of IPv6. Network and website managers must have a true view into end-user connectivity and the ability to receive instant notification whenever a problem occurs. For instant free test tools for IPv6 performance see ServerView Monitoring™ https://www.dotcom-monitor.com/free-uptime-performance-tests.aspx™ https://www.dotcom-monitor.com/technical-tools-browser-test.aspx .

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Dotcom-Monitor Launches a Free Browser-Based Website Performance Test

BrowserView Website Performance Test is a free online test that uses Dotcom-Monitor’s browser-based BrowserView Monitoring™ platform. The test produces a detailed waterfall chart – from each of the 19 worldwide locations – that displays the time it takes to render individual webpage objects, including dynamic Web 2.0 page elements (such as Ajax, Flash, etc..). BrowserView Website Performance Test has the most comprehensive worldwide network of monitoring locations currently available.

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Free Browser-Based Website Performance Test via Worldwide Network

UserView Snapshot is a free online test that uses Dotcom-Monitor’s browser-based UserView Monitoring™ platform. The test produces a detailed waterfall chart – from each of the 13 worldwide locations – that displays the time it takes to render individual webpage objects, including dynamic Web 2.0 page elements (such as Ajax, Flash, etc…). UserView Snapshot has the most comprehensive worldwide network of monitoring locations currently available.

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Dotcom-Monitor Launches On-Demand User Experience Monitoring for Web Applications and Transactions

UserView Monitoring is a proactive, regular browser-based web application monitoring tool, providing real-time monitoring, alerts, and reports on a user’s experience of web application performance and component connectivity. This regular browser-based monitoring tool for web applications/online transaction deployments continues Dotcom-Monitor’s focus on providing cost-effective, external monitoring solutions to administrators for online retailers, interactive agencies, and other industries focused on providing the highest quality of user experience.

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