Tag: uptime

web application monitoring tools
Web App Functionality

The Rise & Rise of Web Application Monitoring Tools (& their benefits)

As organizations further embrace the cloud paradigm and deploy more applications to the cloud in 2013, web application monitoring tools need to continue to evolve to serve a growing and more demanding marketplace. Moreover, the metamorphosis of web applications into a complex hybrid of web and on-premise is expected to accelerate in 2013.

As industry reliance on web applications grows, the need for cost-effective solutions that ensure web operations, and protect online company reputations and revenue streams grows with it. Web monitoring tools, which constantly survey web applications for availability issues, performance bottlenecks and maintenance alerts, have emerged as the most cost-effective solution.

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Your Holiday Wish List: Website Uptime Running at Peak Performance

We all know that Black Friday and Cyber Monday can strike fear in the minds of e-commerce companies but let’s take a look at why. These two dates represent the busiest times of year for e-commerce companies and this year, industry pundits predict that traffic will be the highest in history. Learn how website monitoring can help protect revenues and keep your customers happy.

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Minnesota’s Top Online Retailers Prep Websites for Black Friday Rush

Based on Internet Retailer magazine’s listing of the Internet Retailer 500, there are 12 Minnesota companies that ranked in the top 500 in 2011. With that in mind, Dotcom-Monitor (also a Minnesota-based company) set-up basic monitoring on these 12 top Minnesota online company homepages (run your own test here). The website monitoring gathered information on Minnesota online webpage speed, uptime/downtime, and details on the page element performance. By testing their home pages using an IE browser running every 15 minutes from nine North American locations over the course of a week, Dotcom-Monitor was able to pinpoint issues that are occurring on these Minnesota online company websites.

Company stakeholders are also carefully watching when highly publicized website crashes (such as Target’s website crash in 2011) impact Minnesota online retailers revenues and reputation with buyers. In 2012, according to Internet Retailer magazine now nearly all Minnesota online companies are monitoring their Web apps for performance. Monitoring helps these companies detect and diagnosis website errors during critical periods like the upcoming Black Thursday Eve, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the Holiday shopping season.

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Dotcom-Monitor Launches Website Monitoring of EURO 2012 Coverage Sites

On the 8th of June the first game of the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship will start a series of exciting duels between European’s top 16 national soccer teams. Many popular media websites will be covering the EURO 2012 events. In turn, Dotcom-Monitor will be conducting website monitoring to analyze online performance and uptime of those sites covering the games. We will keep you updated and informed about the results.

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Dotcom-Monitor Launches a Free Browser-Based Website Performance Test

BrowserView Website Performance Test is a free online test that uses Dotcom-Monitor’s browser-based BrowserView Monitoring™ platform. The test produces a detailed waterfall chart – from each of the 19 worldwide locations – that displays the time it takes to render individual webpage objects, including dynamic Web 2.0 page elements (such as Ajax, Flash, etc..). BrowserView Website Performance Test has the most comprehensive worldwide network of monitoring locations currently available.

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