Another Neustar UltraDNS Outage | UltraDNS Goes Down

Neustar UltraDNS outage

October 15: Neustar UltraDNS Outage

UltraDNS down
A Dotcom-Monitor client view of the UltraDNS outage
-click to enlarge-

October 15, 2015 – Neustar UltraDNS Down – Dotcom-Monitor is tracking a Neustar UltraDNS outage at this time. The UltraDNS outage appears to have started at approximately 4:00 pm CST.

The UltraDNS issue resulted in (as it should) error alerts to clients. Monitoring that does not cache DNS is detecting the UltraDNS outage. Clients themselves may not see the DNS issue unless they clear their DNS cache and attempt to connect to affected website and web applications.

UltraDNS is a DNS service provider owned by Neustar Corporation, which also owns associated companies including Webmetrics website monitoring and other services.

Dotcom-Monitor will continue to research the Neustar UltraDNS down issue and provide details as they become clear.

Dotcom-Monitor had captured a similar outage in January of 2013.


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Some of our favorite tweets from the UltraDNS outage

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