Étiquette : performance monitoring

Uptime Calculation Website Monitoring
Conseils techniques de performance

How to Monitor Login Pages for Performance and Security

Login pages are the front door to your website or application, and just like any front door, they need to be secure and easy to open. If your login page is slow or vulnerable to attacks, it can frustrate users and expose sensitive information. Whether you’re managing a small e-commerce

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site reliability engineer
Conseils techniques de performance

Dotcom-Monitor’s Role in Ensuring SLA Compliance

When businesses promise their customers top-tier service, they often formalize these commitments in Service Level Agreements (SLAs). An SLA outlines performance standards such as uptime, response times, and issue resolution windows. However, meeting these standards is easier said than done. That’s where Dotcom-Monitor comes in by providing comprehensive monitoring solutions

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synthetic monitoring tools
Conseils techniques de performance

New Year, New Strategies: Website Monitoring Trends for 2025

As we start the new year and the world of websites and web applications continues to grow, it’s important to understand how you want to connect to your customers and achieve growth. To stay competitive in the world of websites, it’s important to embrace all the latest website monitoring trends

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set up API monitoring device
Conseils techniques de performance

What is API Monitoring? Importance, Tools & Strategies

What is API Monitoring? API is known as Application Programming Interface. It involves: A contract of service between two programs that specifies how they connect with one another. A collection of guidelines and procedures that enable software applications to interact. A collection of guidelines and conventions for creating and incorporating

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holiday website traffic performance monitoring
Conseils techniques de performance

Christmas Holiday Website Monitoring to Ensure Peak Performance

Christmas Holiday Website Monitoring to Ensure Peak Performance The holiday season is a magical time of year—but for businesses, it’s also one of the busiest. As Christmas approaches, online traffic surges with shoppers hunting for gifts, deals, and last-minute purchases. While the increase in visitors could be great for sales,

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website monitoring dotcom-monitor
Conseils techniques de performance

Top 10 Website Monitoring Tools for 2024 (Free & Paid)

Introduction We all know that a website’s performance can make or break your business. Whether you’re running an e-commerce store, SaaS platform, or content-rich website, ensuring that your site is always up, and running is non-negotiable. A single instance of downtime can result in lost revenue, decreased customer trust, and

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Conseils techniques de performance

Top 10 Synthetic Monitoring Tools for 2024

When it comes to ensuring your website’s performance and uptime, synthetic monitoring tools have become indispensable. These tools help businesses proactively detect and resolve issues before they affect real users, offering peace of mind and optimal website performance. In this article, we’ll explore what synthetic monitoring is, the best tools

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DNS monitoring guide
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Guide complet de la solution de surveillance DNS de Dotcom-Monitor

Introduction : L’importance du DNS dans l’écosystème numérique d’aujourd’hui Dans le monde numérique d’aujourd’hui, le succès en ligne d’une entreprise dépend en grande partie d’une infrastructure solide. Au cœur de cette infrastructure se trouve le DNS (Domain Name System). Le DNS agit comme l’annuaire téléphonique d’Internet, qui traduit les noms

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wordpress vs wpengine
Conseils techniques de performance

WordPress vs. WP Engine : Protégez vos sites

Récemment, un différend public a éclaté entre WordPress et WP Engine, l’une des plateformes d’hébergement WordPress gérées les plus populaires. Le désaccord porte sur l’utilisation de la marque WordPress par WP Engine, les problèmes de licence et les points de vue divergents sur la gestion de la plate-forme open-source. Ces

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site reliability engineer
Conseils techniques de performance

Top 20 des outils de surveillance de serveurs de 2023

Un outil de surveillance de serveur est un logiciel qui surveille le fonctionnement et la santé générale des serveurs et d’autres composants de l’infrastructure informatique. Ces outils suivent et collectent en permanence des informations sur divers paramètres, tels que l’utilisation du processeur, l’utilisation de la mémoire, la consommation d’espace disque,

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