Category: Performance Tech Tips

SLA_service level agreement
Performance Tech Tips

SLA Compliance for SaaS Businesses

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are fundamental for SaaS (Software as a Service) businesses. They outline the performance standards clients expect, such as uptime, response times, and support. SLA compliance isn’t just about meeting these standards; it’s about building trust, preventing churn, and sustaining a positive brand reputation. For SaaS businesses,

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stack trace
Performance Tech Tips

Stack Trace Monitoring: Gaps in Measuring the User Experience

Stack trace monitoring is an essential part of debugging and application performance monitoring. It helps developers quickly identify errors and understand the sequence of code execution that led to a problem. However, while stack trace monitoring can be highly beneficial in isolating technical issues, it often falls short when it

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IT stack
Performance Tech Tips

Synthetic Monitoring vs. APM Stack Trace Tools

The complexity of an application’s digital architecture is increasing dramatically every day.  In an era of cloud infrastructure, the goal is to integrate all your web services into one place:  CDN, DNS, third-party API services, QA tools, analytics tools, and any other component you can think of, are working with

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web application-dynamic
Performance Tech Tips

Why Traditional Monitoring Isn’t Enough for Modern Web Applications

As web applications become more dynamic and complex, traditional monitoring tools often fall short of providing the insights needed to ensure top-notch performance. Modern web applications rely on numerous interconnected systems and have unique demands, making it essential to adopt monitoring solutions designed to handle their complexity. This post explores

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Performance Tech Tips

Network Throttling: Monitor the User Experience

Network Throttling When it comes to monitoring web application performance, not only is it necessary emulate user actions, but also network conditions of end-user devices. Network throttling allows you to control connection speeds to better match the experience of real users, allowing you to see web application behavior in specific

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Shiftleft Infographic
Load Testing

Why Your Performance Testing Strategy Needs to Shift Left

You’ve likely uttered the phrases “test early and often” and “shift left,” but do you always remind yourself of the importance of that phrase from the end user’s perspective? Or has it become white noise? While the agile approach is focused on implementing small, iterative tests throughout the development and

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Performance Tech Tips

Performetriks Training: Developing with Performance in Mind

This is the first online performance engineering training for developers, architects, QA, and test engineers.  The Performetriks team will share their collective experience from real projects and educate your team on how to write high performance applications.  This training fits perfectly into the shift left philosophy and attendees will learn how

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