Category: Dotcom-Monitor News


What does Arnold’s character in Predator and the IRCE 2013 have in common? Why Choppers, of course!

Dotcom-Monitor is giving away RC Helicopters at IRCE 2013! Stop by booth #1109 for your chance to win. We’ll also show you how website uptime, speed and functionality directly impact customer satisfaction and how our web monitoring services will uncover performance bottlenecks that are killing your website conversion.

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Media Stream Monitoring Tool | Streaming Media Monitoring Formats List

Earlier this week Dotcom-Monitor announced ServerView Monitoring™ Media Stream. This technology allows users to monitor a broad range of streaming content from an external “user experience” perspective. In addition to comprehensive data and diagnostic aspects, customizable alerts may be setup for each media stream to continually monitor media performance and availability. Interactive waterfall charts and drill downs amongst the data allow users to locate and repair problems, significantly reducing mean time to repair (MTTR).

Below is a list of streaming media formats currently available for monitoring and testing:

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Streaming Media Monitoring Tool | Media Stream Monitoring Codecs List

On February 5, 2013, Dotcom-Monitor announced ServerView Monitoring™ Media Stream. This media stream monitoring technology continually tests internet streams in Chrome, Flash, and Windows Media stream formats. This new Streaming Media Monitoring Tool has the capability to monitor hundreds of online stream formats and codecs from an external “user experience” perspective. Customized instant alerts may be setup for each streaming media monitoring instance to check performance and availability 24×7.

Below is a list of streaming media codecs currently available for monitoring and testing:

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Dotcom-Monitor Announces ServerView Monitoring™ Media Stream

Minneapolis, Minnesota – Feb. 5, 2013 – Dotcom-Monitor, (, today announces ServerView™ Media Stream Monitoring, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-based media stream monitoring technology for Chrome, Flash, and Windows Media stream formats that monitors performance and availability. ServerView™ Media Stream monitors hundreds of online stream formats and codices from an external “user experience” perspective.

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Top 10 Web Performance Blog Posts of 2012

As we at Dotcom-Monitor are back at it after the holidays, we thought it would be interesting to see which blog posts over the past year have sparked the most interest. See our Top 10 Web Performance Blog Posts of 2012.

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Announcing UserView Monitoring with Video Capture | Web Application Monitoring

Announcing UserView Video Monitoring – Web Application Monitoring with Video Capture:
A user’s view video of web application errors, diagnostics, and performance

Minneapolis, Minnesota – Dec. 13, 2012 – Dotcom-Monitor, (, announces an industry-first with the launch of UserView Monitoring™ Video Capture (UserView Video) , a browser-based monitoring service that records a video of a web application transaction, measures performance, captures errors, and provides diagnostics all on the same screen.

“When web applications have errors UserView Video captures a user’s view video of the error – as it is occurring – that is paired with an interactive waterfall chart displaying details of the web pages’ code performance. It’s the fastest way available to diagnose web application errors minimizing downtime. You don’t have to guess about what to fix, or what website users are experiencing. The web operations team can simultaneously see the network data and a video of the user’s experience, so finding the problem that users experience is faster.” noted Vadim Mazo, CTO.

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Black Friday 2012 Website Outage Watch – Minnesota Online Retailers

Dotcom-Monitor is currently monitoring the 12 Minnesota online retailers that ranked in the Internet Retailer 500 list in 2011. The website monitoring platform is currently aggregating information on Minnesota online retailers webpage speed, uptime / downtime, and details on the page element performance. Website homepages are being tested via an Internet Explorer browser running full page renders every 15 minutes from nine North American locations. These tests will not only provide a baseline for Minnesota’s top online retailers, but will also provide Dotcom-Monitor the data and analytics to pinpoint issues that occur on these Minnesota online company websites in relation to Black Friday, the Holiday Season and the increased traffic and server stress that will ensue.

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